TORCH Winter Series RD2

Written by Tony. Posted in Race Reports

Welcome to another wet day on the Off-Road racing scene.
I am at round 2 of the winter series at TORCH. (Titchfield Off Road Club Hampshire)









Well certainly it has been a wet evening and the track is very moist to say the least.
I have made some major changes to the Kyosho RB6 and I was more than keen to get on the track to try all the ideas out.
Today I am running the WTS Orion stick packs in the RB6.
These Lipos weight distribution as needed
Round 1
I was very annoyed with myself in round one as in practice it was very obvious the RB was one of the top 2 cars.
I started off nice and easy and just got the jump section all wrong which cost be the qualifying round at the end…..some very quick lads in the heat and certainly in the heat prior too so really had to tidy things up a little…..
Round 2
After some really silly errors in round 1, and showing lap times that were promising, I wanted to keep on trying the different set ups I had planned for the day.  The usual suspects were there or there abouts …..
Movember at a new level
As many of you know i am doing the Movember mustache growing and we have all had some laughs with the supr Mario theme and all that…..Darren Parker though has gone to an all new level as you can see here…..good on you fella…..

The weather then sets in and the expected rain comes down.
Steve Brown, Race Director and Mike Scott a backbone of TORCH decide qualifying is over after 3 rounds and we move into finals as the weather forecast was always coming and we all knew it. 
Some racers complained about the decision which I actually found surprising.
Steve wanting to please everyone, which can never be done, calls for the racers to vote whether to have another round in the wet conditions.
I would not be true to myself if i didn’t post how I feel.  In feel this was the wrong decision on his part.  A club in my opinion must and should make decisions which are in the best interest of the racing.  A committee and personnel are there for that very thing, to make decisions.  If we were to vote on everything then nothing would be achieved.  What I also don’t agree with, is racers arguing with club organisers on their decisions.  I personally think its disrespectful to any club or organisation to disagree with their decisions but there you have it.  All about opinions i suppose. 

The racers voted to carry on with another round and then the finals…..I along with many others decided to call it a day as the increasing puddles on the track only spelt likelihood failures of electrics……
As a sponsored driver if I chose to carry on, I leave myself open for many bad comments about not caring for the equipment or the cost of it ….. I just didn’t feel there was any benefit for the continuation of more rounds especially with a risk of equipment going wrong…..

As usual thanks to all and catch up soon……